A Brief Guide To Bigcommerce Ebay Selling Portals - VRGyani News


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

A Brief Guide To Bigcommerce Ebay Selling Portals

The recent strategic tier between the two joints in the world of e-commerce and selling that is big-commerce and eBay emerging as Bigcommerce eBay seller hub have made it even easier for all small and medium scale entrepreneur to make it big. Now with the strategic tie-up instead of listing up on two different seller portal now all you need to do is to list up your product in a single selling portal. If you are already a professional in this domain you must be aware of the steps but for all the entrepreneurs out there here are the steps for using eBay seller tools.

Top selling software tools for eBay

·         Accessing eBay related services

This tool was originally created by eBay for providing and easy access to all eBay related programs. Here you can have complete seller reports, eBay messages and monitoring reports, resolution centers messages etc.

·         Free themes and listings

This is another reliable eBay selling software listing tools, where you get various free listing themes and supporting software for syncing functionalities, updating profiles etc. This is mainly a multichannel tool with options of activating and deactivating the profile once your product has been sold, reliable cloud storage option, auto re-listings and various other options.

·         Intuitive software

If you have an inventory and have multiple listing on various portals then a simple and intuitive software with cloud computing features syncing all the listings together is what you need.

Features to always look for

Now that you have a brief idea about the top tools, here are few features in tools to always check for

·         Check for template features

·         Check for schedule listing, auto listing and relisting features

·         Check for bulk change allowances

·         Check for price and sell report monitoring features

With all features in mind search through the prime tools, reach out to leading eBay management services and make your best pick.




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