Have You Visited Cala Coticcio Beach in Italy? It is a Bliss on Earth - VRGyani News


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Have You Visited Cala Coticcio Beach in Italy? It is a Bliss on Earth

If you don't Know? Cala Coticcio Beach is a small sandy beach in a deep cove which is surrounded by rugged cliffs in the Maddalena National Park. This is a blissfull place in Italy that is perfect for swimming & sunbathing. It is one of the major tourist attraction in Italy.

While relaxing on chair; you will feel the nature in crystal-clear waters and surrounding pink granite cliffs surrounding it. If You get a chance just visit Cala Coticcio Beach in Sardinia Italy.

Address: Str. Cala Garibaldi -Arbuticci, 07024 La Maddalena SS, Italy
Rating: 5 - ‎Review by a Tripadvisor

Watch Video of Tourist enjoying at Cala Coticcio - Caprera island, Sardinia, Italy


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