Puruṣārthas - Hinduism Religion Belief and History - VRGyani News


Thursday, April 23, 2020

Puruṣārthas - Hinduism Religion Belief and History

Hinduism is the first religion that exists on earth and is also called Sanatana Dharma. It follows teachings in Vedas, Manusmriti, Puranas written and composed in Vedic Era. Hinduism has over 900 million followers all around the world.

Hinduism is based on the belief of achieving four Puruṣārthas. It is defined as the proper goals of a human life. These goals are aimed at achieving the true meaning of life and get most out of it. It is the way of life and a form of organized religion.

Here are the 4 Puruṣārthas that are described in Vedas and Smritis.

1: Dharma (Follow Ethics and Duties)

Dharma means to act and live virtuously and righteously without harming other creatures in the World. One must follow virtues in his or her actions.

2: Artha (Work for Prosperity & Wealth)

Artha means acquiring wealth for the welfare of family and society. One must engage in productive activities to generate money and use that money for self and family. Person must donate a share of his/her wealth for welfare of society and destitutes.

3: Kama (Fulfilling Desires and Passions)

Kama means fulfilling one's own desires and senses. People must take legitimate pleasure of Life in all forms i.e. materialistic, sexual pleasures. But these pleasures must not be acquired through illegitimate ways.

4: Moksha (Liberation From Cycle of Death)

A human life is not free from death. One day every person is destined to die and leave this materialistic world. So a person must pursue a life which is void of all pleasures and materialistic worlds. They must devote their time to God. They must attend religious ceremonies and gatherings. They must read Vedas and Hymns.
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