Country-Specific Top-Level Domains (TLDs) and Their Corresponding Countries - VRGyani News


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Country-Specific Top-Level Domains (TLDs) and Their Corresponding Countries

In the vast landscape of the internet, top-level domains (TLDs) serve as the unique identifiers for websites, often hinting at the origin or purpose of the site. While many are familiar with popular TLDs like .com or .org, each country around the world is also represented by its own country-specific TLD. These two-letter codes, known as country code top-level domains (ccTLDs), not only signify a website's geographical connection but also play a crucial role in digital identity. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the full list of TLDs and the countries they represent, offering insights into how these domains contribute to the global web ecosystem.

List of Top-Level Domains (TLDs)

Here’s a list of top-level domains (TLDs) and their corresponding countries:


  • .ac - Ascension Island
  • .ad - Andorra
  • .ae - United Arab Emirates
  • .af - Afghanistan
  • .ag - Antigua and Barbuda
  • .ai - Anguilla
  • .al - Albania
  • .am - Armenia
  • .ao - Angola
  • .aq - Antarctica
  • .ar - Argentina
  • .as - American Samoa
  • .at - Austria
  • .au - Australia
  • .aw - Aruba
  • .ax - Ã…land Islands
  • .az - Azerbaijan
  • .ba - Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • .bb - Barbados
  • .bd - Bangladesh
  • .be - Belgium
  • .bf - Burkina Faso
  • .bg - Bulgaria
  • .bh - Bahrain
  • .bi - Burundi
  • .bj - Benin
  • .bl - Saint Barthélemy
  • .bm - Bermuda
  • .bn - Brunei
  • .bo - Bolivia
  • .bq - Caribbean Netherlands
  • .br - Brazil
  • .bs - Bahamas
  • .bt - Bhutan
  • .bv - Bouvet Island
  • .bw - Botswana
  • .by - Belarus
  • .bz - Belize
  • .ca - Canada
  • .cc - Cocos (Keeling) Islands
  • .cd - Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • .cf - Central African Republic
  • .cg - Republic of the Congo
  • .ch - Switzerland
  • .ci - Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire)
  • .ck - Cook Islands
  • .cl - Chile
  • .cm - Cameroon
  • .cn - China
  • .co - Colombia
  • .cr - Costa Rica
  • .cu - Cuba
  • .cv - Cape Verde
  • .cw - Curaçao
  • .cx - Christmas Island
  • .cy - Cyprus
  • .cz - Czech Republic


  • .de - Germany
  • .dj - Djibouti
  • .dk - Denmark
  • .dm - Dominica
  • .do - Dominican Republic
  • .dz - Algeria
  • .ec - Ecuador
  • .ee - Estonia
  • .eg - Egypt
  • .eh - Western Sahara
  • .er - Eritrea
  • .es - Spain
  • .et - Ethiopia
  • .eu - European Union
  • .fi - Finland
  • .fj - Fiji
  • .fk - Falkland Islands
  • .fm - Micronesia
  • .fo - Faroe Islands
  • .fr - France


  • .ga - Gabon
  • .gb - United Kingdom (reserved but not in active use)
  • .gd - Grenada
  • .ge - Georgia
  • .gf - French Guiana
  • .gg - Guernsey
  • .gh - Ghana
  • .gi - Gibraltar
  • .gl - Greenland
  • .gm - Gambia
  • .gn - Guinea
  • .gp - Guadeloupe
  • .gq - Equatorial Guinea
  • .gr - Greece
  • .gs - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
  • .gt - Guatemala
  • .gu - Guam
  • .gw - Guinea-Bissau
  • .gy - Guyana
  • .hk - Hong Kong
  • .hm - Heard Island and McDonald Islands
  • .hn - Honduras
  • .hr - Croatia
  • .ht - Haiti
  • .hu - Hungary
  • .id - Indonesia
  • .ie - Ireland
  • .il - Israel
  • .im - Isle of Man
  • .in - India
  • .io - British Indian Ocean Territory
  • .iq - Iraq
  • .ir - Iran
  • .is - Iceland
  • .it - Italy


  • .je - Jersey
  • .jm - Jamaica
  • .jo - Jordan
  • .jp - Japan
  • .ke - Kenya
  • .kg - Kyrgyzstan
  • .kh - Cambodia
  • .ki - Kiribati
  • .km - Comoros
  • .kn - Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • .kp - North Korea
  • .kr - South Korea
  • .kw - Kuwait
  • .ky - Cayman Islands
  • .kz - Kazakhstan
  • .la - Laos
  • .lb - Lebanon
  • .lc - Saint Lucia
  • .li - Liechtenstein
  • .lk - Sri Lanka
  • .lr - Liberia
  • .ls - Lesotho
  • .lt - Lithuania
  • .lu - Luxembourg
  • .lv - Latvia
  • .ly - Libya


  • .ma - Morocco
  • .mc - Monaco
  • .md - Moldova
  • .me - Montenegro
  • .mf - Saint Martin (French part)
  • .mg - Madagascar
  • .mh - Marshall Islands
  • .mk - North Macedonia
  • .ml - Mali
  • .mm - Myanmar
  • .mn - Mongolia
  • .mo - Macau
  • .mp - Northern Mariana Islands
  • .mq - Martinique
  • .mr - Mauritania
  • .ms - Montserrat
  • .mt - Malta
  • .mu - Mauritius
  • .mv - Maldives
  • .mw - Malawi
  • .mx - Mexico
  • .my - Malaysia
  • .mz - Mozambique
  • .na - Namibia
  • .nc - New Caledonia
  • .ne - Niger
  • .nf - Norfolk Island
  • .ng - Nigeria
  • .ni - Nicaragua
  • .nl - Netherlands
  • .no - Norway
  • .np - Nepal
  • .nr - Nauru
  • .nu - Niue
  • .nz - New Zealand
  • .om - Oman


  • .pa - Panama
  • .pe - Peru
  • .pf - French Polynesia
  • .pg - Papua New Guinea
  • .ph - Philippines
  • .pk - Pakistan
  • .pl - Poland
  • .pm - Saint Pierre and Miquelon
  • .pn - Pitcairn Islands
  • .pr - Puerto Rico
  • .ps - Palestine
  • .pt - Portugal
  • .pw - Palau
  • .py - Paraguay
  • .qa - Qatar
  • .re - Réunion
  • .ro - Romania
  • .rs - Serbia
  • .ru - Russia
  • .rw - Rwanda


  • .sa - Saudi Arabia
  • .sb - Solomon Islands
  • .sc - Seychelles
  • .sd - Sudan
  • .se - Sweden
  • .sg - Singapore
  • .sh - Saint Helena
  • .si - Slovenia
  • .sj - Svalbard and Jan Mayen
  • .sk - Slovakia
  • .sl - Sierra Leone
  • .sm - San Marino
  • .sn - Senegal
  • .so - Somalia
  • .sr - Suriname
  • .ss - South Sudan
  • .st - São Tomé and Príncipe
  • .sv - El Salvador
  • .sx - Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
  • .sy - Syria
  • .sz - Eswatini
  • .tc - Turks and Caicos Islands
  • .td - Chad
  • .tf - French Southern Territories
  • .tg - Togo
  • .th - Thailand
  • .tj - Tajikistan
  • .tk - Tokelau
  • .tl - East Timor (Timor-Leste)
  • .tm - Turkmenistan
  • .tn - Tunisia
  • .to - Tonga
  • .tr - Turkey
  • .tt - Trinidad and Tobago
  • .tv - Tuvalu
  • .tz - Tanzania
  • .ua - Ukraine
  • .ug - Uganda
  • .uk - United Kingdom
  • .um - United States Minor Outlying Islands
  • .us - United States
  • .uy - Uruguay
  • .uz - Uzbekistan


  • .va - Vatican City
  • .vc - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • .ve - Venezuela
  • .vg - British Virgin Islands
  • .vi - United States Virgin Islands
  • .vn - Vietnam
  • .vu - Vanuatu
  • .wf - Wallis and Futuna
  • .ws - Samoa
  • .ye - Yemen
  • .yt - Mayotte
  • .za - South Africa
  • .zm - Zambia
  • .zw - Zimbabwe

This list includes many of the country-specific TLDs (ccTLDs) associated with each country or territory. Some TLDs may also be used for other purposes, such as generic or sponsored domains.

Understanding the vast array of country-specific top-level domains (TLDs) and their associated countries is essential for navigating the global internet landscape. These ccTLDs not only reflect national identity but also offer unique opportunities for businesses, organizations, and individuals to localize their online presence. Whether you're looking to establish a website with a regional focus or simply curious about the digital markers that define different parts of the world, this guide provides a comprehensive overview of how TLDs contribute to a more interconnected and diverse web. By recognizing the significance of these domains, we gain a deeper appreciation for the global nature of the internet and the importance of digital sovereignty.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Country-Specific Top-Level Domains (TLDs)

1. What is a Top-Level Domain (TLD)?

  • A Top-Level Domain (TLD) is the last segment of a domain name, appearing after the final dot (e.g., .com, .org, .uk). TLDs are used to identify specific types of organizations, regions, or countries on the internet.

2. What are Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs)?

  • Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs) are two-letter TLDs specifically designated for countries or territories (e.g., .us for the United States, .de for Germany). Each country is assigned its own ccTLD based on its ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.

3. Can anyone register a ccTLD, or is it restricted to residents of the country?

  • The registration rules for ccTLDs vary by country. Some ccTLDs are open to anyone worldwide, while others are restricted to residents or businesses operating within that specific country.

4. Are there any benefits to using a ccTLD for my website?

  • Yes, using a ccTLD can signal to search engines and users that your website is targeted toward a specific geographic region, which can improve local search rankings and build trust with local audiences.

5. How do ccTLDs impact search engine optimization (SEO)?

  • ccTLDs can positively impact SEO by making it clear to search engines that your website is relevant to a particular country or region. This can help your site rank better in local search results.

6. Can a ccTLD be used for a global audience?

  • While ccTLDs are country-specific, they can still be used for global audiences, especially if the TLD has gained broader recognition (e.g., .tv for media-related sites). However, this might impact how your site is perceived by search engines and users.

7. What is the difference between a ccTLD and a generic TLD (gTLD)?

  • A ccTLD is a two-letter domain designated for a specific country or territory, while a generic TLD (gTLD) is a non-country-specific domain like .com, .net, or .org. gTLDs are more commonly used for global or specific-purpose websites.

8. Can I use a ccTLD for branding purposes?

  • Absolutely! Many businesses use ccTLDs creatively to enhance their brand identity, such as using .me for personal branding or .co for companies. The key is ensuring that the chosen ccTLD aligns with your brand's goals and audience.

9. How can I find out if a specific ccTLD is available for my website?

  • You can check the availability of a ccTLD through domain registration websites. These platforms allow you to search for and register domain names under various TLDs, including ccTLDs.

10. Are there any risks associated with using a ccTLD?

  • While ccTLDs are generally safe to use, some may be subject to specific local laws and regulations. It's important to understand the rules governing the ccTLD you're interested in and ensure it aligns with your long-term online strategy.

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